Shahin School fined Tk 50,000


Sarishabari Correspondent, Jamalpur:

Mobile court fined Shahin School of Sharishabari Branch, fifty thousand money for running school during Covid-19, avoiding the health guidance and governmental prohibition.

Sharishabari UNO, Shihab Uddin Ahmed, led a mobile court on Thruesday noon, fined fifty thousand noney according to coronavirus preventing laws and such mobile court will be continued for the welfare of the people.

When all other educational institutions of the country remain closed, Sarishabari Shahin School was continuing all educational activities in their school campus , said UNO of Sarishabari.

On information, we led a mobile court in Sharishabari municipality area, found the the School running in their school without maintaining the health guidance, he added.

Beside Shahin School, Eureka Kindergarten, Shahid Smrity Academy have also been running their educational activities, but sensing the news the institutions hurriedly broke the classes.