Combat fake news, increase religious harmony: Speakers in Khulna


    To educate university students on Social Media & Diversity Literacy to increase religious and social harmony in Bangladesh has been carried out by Initiatives For Bangladesh with the collaboration of the Development Studies Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh, funded by KAICIID (The King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue).

    This training’s objective is to build a safe and violence-free social media/ cyberspace by combating fake news and Misinformation, enhancing the young thoughts & knowledge of diversity, tolerance, and acceptance, and stimulating them to work on peacebuilding and conflict management. 35 students joined this day-long training, learning about Digital Citizenship, Digital Footprint, social media, & Diversity Literacy. After completing the training, they committed to their community and prepared an individual action plan to increase tolerance and build a peaceful country.

    The training program was accomplished with an emergent speech from our Program Coordinator, Bayezid Khan, Assistant Professor, Development Studies Discipline, at Khulna University, Bangladesh.

    “We need to organize more training to educate the youth on Social Media & Diversity literacy to increase social & religious harmony. He encouraged young minds to work in the Peacebuilding field & grab prestigious opportunities like KAICIID Fellowship. He was thankful to the Initiatives for Bangladesh for organizing such a training program in collaboration with Development Studies Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh.” Bayezid Khan.

    The training program was conducted by KAICIID Fellow Farah Naj Jahan and Co-Facilitated by Ananda Kumar Biswas, Alumni, Goldin Institute.

    These valuable insights helped the participants to be more aware of social media. After Completing the training, all participants received the certificates.